Prof. Dr. Nathaniel Umukoro
Senior Fellow (Heinz-Heinen-Fellowship)
Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies
October 2024–November 2024
Western Delta University, Oghara, Nigeria
Title of current research project: "Slavery-Induced Dependency, Food Insecurity and Human Trafficking in Africa: Lessons from Edo State, Nigeria"

Academic Profile
Nigeria is one of the African countries that has high number of persons trafficked to Europe. According to a report of the European Coast Guard and Border Agency "Trafficking in human beings, from Nigeria in particular, has in the past few years become of particular concern to law enforcement authorities across the European Union". It further asserted that even though "human trafficking from Nigeria has, for decades, supplied the European sex market, the spike in the number of Nigerian women arriving to Italy (and, to a lesser extent, Spain), has brought this phenomenon to light". The victims are usually women and young girls from poor families struggling to survive. What is responsible for the situation? Several Studies have identified different reasons, but adequate attention has not been given to how the legacies of slavery-induced dependency and food insecurity contribute to the problem. Consequently, this study seeks to examine how the legacies of slavery and dependency relate to the problem of food insecurity and human trafficking using lessons from Edo State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study considers the relationship between historic slavery-induced dependency and human trafficking in modern times.
since 2021
Professor, Western Delta University, Oghara, Nigeria
Senior Research Fellow, Point Alpha Research Institute, Geisa, Germany
Humboldt Fellow, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Senior Lecturer and Head of Department, Edo State University, Uzairue, Nigeria
Senior Lecturer, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
Lecturer, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
PhD in African Studies/Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
MA in Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
MSc in Humanitarian and Refugee Studies, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
BSc in Political Science & Public Administration (Local Government Studies), University of Benin, Nigeria
2024. Forthcoming. With V. Adefemi Isumonah. Governance and Security in Nigeria's Fourth Republic. Routledge.
2024. With E. Umukoro-Esekhile. "Natural Resources Conflict and Innovation in Nigeria's Niger Delta." In Review of African Political Economy 51(182): 1–7.
2023. With W. Ehwarieme. Democracy and Human Rights in Nigeria's Fourth Republic. Washington: Academia Press.
2023. With C. Amaechi. "Modern concept of peacebuilding and the idea of peacebuilding in Igbo pre-colonial society in Africa." In Peacebuilding 11(2): 222–238
2022. "China–Nigeria relations in crude oil production and local initiatives for petroleum refining." In Journal of Contemporary African Studies 40(4): 511–525.
2021. With F. Masajuwa. Research Methodology for Social and Legal Studies. Washington/London: Academia Press.
2021. "Human Trafficking in Africa: Strategies for Curbing the Menance." In Human Trafficking in Africa - New Perspectives, New Paradigms, edited by A. Hoffman and S. Ogbobode Abidde. Switzerland: Springe Nature.
2021. "Coronavirus Disease Outbreak and Human Security in Africa." In Journal of Peacebuilding and Development 16(2): 254–258.
2021. With W. Okotie. "Violent Conflicts and the Violation of Physical Integrity Rights in the Niger Delta during the First Phase of Nigeria's Fourth Republic (1999–2007)." In Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences 11(2): 253–278.
2021. With W. Okotie. "Indigene-Settler Phenomenon and Conflicts in Nigeria." In Nsuka Journal of Humanities 29(1): 102–111.
2021. With W. Okotie. "Climate Change, Migration and Conflict: A Theoretical Overview." In Nsuka Journal of Humanities 29(1): 58–69.
2020. With S. M. Omodia. "Revenue Allocation and Resource Control Conflicts in Nigeria." In Sokoto Journal of the Social Sciences 10(1): 1–11.
2019. With V. A. Isumonah. Confronting Islamic Terrorism in Africa: A Study of Kenya and Nigeria. Washington: Academia Press.
2018. State, Economy and Security in Nigeria. Benin City: Allen Prints.
2018. With V. Efebeh. "Social Protection and Health Security in Nigeria." In Nsuka Journal of the Humanities 26(2): 18–27.
2018. "Human Rights Violations and Transitional Justice in the Niger Delta of Nigeria." In Journal of Global South Studies 35(1): 87–103.
2018. "Homegrown Solution to African Problem: Harnessing Innovation for Petroleum Refining in Nigeria." In Journal of Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment 37(4): 58–73.
2017. With S. Omodia. "The State and Security Challenges in Africa." In Nsuka Journal of the Humanities 37(2): 37–46.
2016. With A. Ikelegbe. The Amnesty Programme and the Resolution of the Niger Delta Crisis: Progress, Challenges and Prognosis. Benin City: Centre for Population and Environmental Development (CPED).
2016. "Thermodynamics: Application of its Principles to the effects of Cross-border Migration and Boko Haram Crisis on Security Challenges in Africa." In Journal of Applied Security Research 11(1): 44–66.
2016. With A. Ikelegbe. "Exclusion and Peacebuilding in the Niger Delta: An Assessment of the Amnesty Programme." In Journal of Peacebuilding and Development 11(2): 25–36.
2016. "African Solution to African Problems and the Ebola Virus Disease in Nigeria." In Development in Practice 26(2): 149-157.
2016. "Ethics and Post-conflict Peacebuilding." In Conflict Studies Quarterly 15: 17–27.
2015. With W. Ehwarieme. "Civil Society and Terrorism in Nigeria: A Study of the Boko Haram Crisis." In International Journal on World Peace 32(3): 25–47.
2015. "International Humanitarian Law and the Plight of Civilians during Armed Conflicts in Africa." In Conflict Studies Quarterly 13: 29–40.
2014. "Democracy and Inequality in Nigeria." In Journal of Developing Societies 30(1): 1–24.
2014. "The Dialectics of Electoral Politics in Nigeria: Displacement of Ethnicity and Corruption in the 2012 Gubernatorial Elections in Edo State." In Journal of Third World Studies 31(2): 179–196.
2014. "Civil Society and Human Rights in Nigeria's Fourth Republic." In Journal of Business and Public Dynamics for Development 2(1) 33–41.
2014. With J. Umukoro. "Opportunity Cost of Oil Production and Violent Conflicts in the Niger Delta." In International Journal of Advancement in Physical Sciences 6(1): 135–144.
2013. "Poverty and Social Protection in Nigeria." In Journal of Developing Societies 29(3): 305–322.
2013. "Current Debate on the Social Protection Paradigm and its Implication for Nigeria." In Journal of Policy Practice 12(2): 43–160.
2013. "Democracy and Human Rights in Nigeria's Fourth Republic." In Ibadan Journal of the Social Sciences 10(1): 31–39.
2012. "Governance and Environmental Inequality in Nigeria: Implications for Conflict Management Strategies in the Niger Delta." In International Journal of Environmental Studies 69(6): 913–920.
2013. "Economic Mismanagement and Insurgency in the Niger Delta." In Ibadan Journal of Peace and Development 2: 159–180.
2013. "Oil Production, environmental inequality and food security challenges in the Niger Delta." In Benin Journal of Social Sciences 21(1): 290–301.
2012. "Governance and Public Health Care in Nigeria." In Journal of Health Management 14(4): 381–395.
2012. "Infrastructure and Economic Development in Africa." In Journal of Social and Management Sciences 7(2): 100–106.
2012. With C. Sokoh. "Governance and Tertiary Education in Nigeria: Implication for Development." In Journal of Social and Management Sciences 7(2): 51–57.
2012. With C. Sokoh. "Can Africa get to the Promised Land? Assessment of the Possibility of Achieving the Millennium Development Goals by 2015." In International Journal of Agriculture, 4(2): 8–13.
2012. With C. Sokoh and F. Orishede. "Post Amnesty Peacebuilding and Entrepreneurship in the Niger Delta: Implication for Devlopment." In International Journal of Advancement in Development Studies 7(3): 1–7.
2011. With A. Otite. "Amnesty Programme and the Niger Delta: Overview of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Strategy for Sustainable Peace." In Africana Journal 5(1). Special Issue on the Niger Delta.
2011. With F. Orishede. "Curbing Structural Violence for Sustainable Development in the Niger Delta: The Role of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises." In Journal of Management and Enterprise Development 3(1): 100–104.
2010. With A. Otite. "Money Politics, Political Culture of Godfatherism and the Future of Democracy in Nigeria—Lessons from the 2007 Gubernatorial Election in Edo State." In Africana: A Journal of Ideas on Africa and the African Disapora 4(2): 65–79.
2010. With W. Okotie. "Environmental Scarcity and Violent Conflicts in the Niger Delta." In Benin Journal of the Social Sciences 18(1–2): 228–247.
2010. "Disaster Management and the Attainment of the Millennium Development Goals in Nigeria." In Ife Journal of Politics 1(1): 161–171.
2009. With V. Efebeh. "Youths and Electoral Violence in Nigeria." In Journal of Social Policy Issues 3(1): 35–40.
2009. With E. A. Ekiugbo. "Confronting the Gods of Crisis: Corruption and Infrastructural Decay in Nigeria's Niger Delta." In Journal of Social Policy and Society 4(4): 18–26.
2008. With R. Aboribo. "Conflict of Globalization and the Globalization of Niger Delta Conflict." In Nigerian Sociological Review 3(1–2): 63–72.
2008. "Communication and the Condition of Women and Children in Conflict Situation: An Analysis." In Journal of Social Policy and Society 3(4): 13–20.
2008. With W. Okotie. "Nigerian Socio-Economic Situation and the Practice of management Theories in Nigeria." In Journal of Citizenship Education 7(2): 70–80.