17. June 2022

SEHEPUNKTE June 2022 issue: Slavery in the Context of the Ottoman Empire in Ten Contributions SEHEPUNKTE June 2022 issue: Slavery in the Context of the Ottoman Empire in Ten Contributions

edited by the Ottoman Slavery Forum led by Veruschka Wagner

Recent Research on Slavery and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetric Dependence VI: The Ottoman Empire, edited by the Ottoman Slavery Forum led by Veruschka Wagner.

Sehepunkte; Issue 2022, No 6
Sehepunkte; Issue 2022, No 6 © BCDSS
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Research on slavery in the context of the Ottoman Empire, like studies on slavery in general, has seen a sharp increase in recent years. The members of the working group "Ottoman Slavery", founded in the environment of the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies (BCDSS), who deal with different facets of dependency in their current research projects, have tackled ten of these publications, written in Turkish or English. All of these studies have a connection to the Ottoman Empire and address different forms of bondage. They focus on different aspects such as the members of the harem and their relationship with the inhabitants of the sultan's palace, palace slaves who were trained in different arts, and the lives of freed palace slaves. Other topics include child labor, the end of slavery in the Ottoman Empire, slaves and prisoners of war between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, the life of an individual slave and his or her legacy in a transnational context, various forms of captivity, slaves' scope for action, and slavery and the slave trade in the Black Sea region.

(excerpt from the preface by Veruschka Wagner, translated from German in:
Veruschka Wagner: Neuere Forschungen zur Sklaverei und zu anderen Formen starker asymmetrischer Abhängigkeit VI: Das Osmanische Reich. Einführung, in: sehepunkte 22 (2022), Nr. 6)

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