Dr. Janico Albrecht
Publications Manager
Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies
Room 2.001
Niebuhrstraße 5
D-53113 Bonn
+49 228 73 62432

- Coordination of all BCDSS publications (BCDSS Book Series "Dependency and Slavery Studies," Joseph C. Miller Memorial Lecture Series, Concept Papers, Working Papers)
Janico Albrecht's work is focused on the study of ancient Roman religion. In his doctoral dissertation, he employed the actor- and interaction-centered approach pioneered by the 'Lived Ancient Religion' project to explore the manifold connections between war and religion in the Roman Republic.
Other research interests on which he has taught and published include the history of the Jews in antiquity, Roman Alexandria, Latin epigraphy and Roman social history.
Research Associate at the University of Bonn (Department of Ancient History and SFB 1167 "Macht und Herrschaft") and at the Max-Weber-Centre, Erfurt.
PhD, Max-Weber-Centre, Erfurt
M.A. in History, University of Bonn
B.A. in History and Philosophy, University of Bonn