Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies:
Perspectives from Asia, Past & Present
Enmeshed & Entwined: FABRICS OF DEPENDENCY
Invitation to join the launch of the BCDSS Exhibition on Tuesday, 29 October 2024
World of Roman Bonn
Dependencies and Opportunities 2000 years ago
Thematic focus of 2023/24
On Gender and Intersectionality
Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies:
Enmeshed & Entwined: FABRICS OF DEPENDENCY
World of Roman Bonn
Thematic focus of 2023/24

Welcome to the Cluster of Excellence at the  
Bonn Center for Dependency & Slavery Studies

"Beyond Slavery and Freedom: 
Asymmetrical Dependencies in Pre-Modern Societies"

We are a research cluster within the framework of the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments.

We investigate profound social dependencies such as slavery, serfdom, debt bondage, and other forms of permanent dependency across epochs, regions and cultures. 

Our focus lies "beyond slavery and freedom", i.e. we aim to overcome the binary opposition of "free" and "unfree". 

Instead, we propose the new key concept of "asymmetrical dependency" to explore all forms of bondages across time and space.      

Reading & Discussion with Anne Haeming

Video out now! 
The Life of Wilhelm Joest

Watch our short clip about the reading and discussion with Anne Haeming as part of our (UN)ABHÄNGIGE ANSICHTEN series from 15 February 2024.

Anne Haeming was queried on the challenges of writing about an imperial actor like Wilhelm Joest from today's perspective.  

BCDSS Exhibition Launch

We are delighted to announce the opening of our BCDSS Exhibition "Verstrickt und Verwoben: Texturen der Abhängigkeit"/"Enmeshed and Entwined: Fabrics of Dependency" on Tuesday, 29 October 2024, at 18:00 at the Bonn University and State Library (ULB).

The Launch is followed by a Semester Kick-off Reception at the BCDSS (Niebuhrstr. 5) at 19:30. Everyone is welcome! 

Please note: registration for both parts of the event is required by 22 October (link below) as there is only limited space!

Guest Lecture: „Diese vorgeblichen Weisen“ - Der Afrikareisebericht des Abbé Proyart (1776) als Aufklärungskritik

Dr. Jutta Wimmler will join Professor Kim Siebenhüner's Colloquium at the University of Jena for a lecture on January 25th, 2025. 

Guest Presentation: “Slaves wanted!” Wissens- und Techniktransfers zwischen Karibik und Westafrika um 1700

Lukas Wissel and Jutta Wimmler will be speaking in Klaus Weber and Andreas Bähr's research colloquium at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) on November 26th.

The Strong Asymmetrical Dependency Studies Reader, First Edition

The most comprehensive collection of texts on Strong Asymmetrical Dependency Studies.

Resource Extractivism and Environmental (In)justice

Roundtable Discussion at Volkshochschule Bonn in cooperation with BCDSS, BICC, IISG, ZEF

Congratulations to Christine Mae Sarito

Our PhD researcher has won the 2024 Phi Kappa Phi Love of Learning Award!

Dependency Theory and Intersectionality
Heussallee 18-24, 53113 ...
09:00 AM
This workshop offers the opportunity to explore theoretical approaches to intersectionality and their applications in slavery and dependency studies. Guided by ...
Joseph C. Miller Memorial Lecture by Marcos Leitão de Almeida
online (Zoom)
04:15 PM - 05:45 PM
The historiography of the Kingdom of Kongo has long emphasized the profound political transformations following the Kongolese Civil War, marked by ...
Exhibition Launch "Enmeshed & Entwined: FABRICS OF DEPENDENCY"
Adenauerallee 39-41, ...
06:00 PM
Please note: registration for both parts of the event is required by 22 October (link below) as there is only limited space! Join us for the opening of our ...
Resource Extractivism and Environmental (In)justice
Haus der Bildung, ...
06:00 PM - 08:30 PM
This roundtable convenes experts from ZEF/Global Heritage Lab, BICC and the BCDSS to discuss the historical and contemporary impacts of extractivism across a ...
Conference "Bridging Worlds"
Römerstraße 164, Bonn
08:00 AM
Bridging Worlds: Exploring the Intersection of Heritage Studies and ArchaeoSciences For two days, more than 15 contributions from 30 researchers worldwide ...
Manumission workshop
Niebuhrstraße 5, ...
09:30 AM
During this event, we would like to explore the nature and significance of manumission of enslaved people from a global perspective. Drawing on a variety of ...
Comp. Approaches to Power and Dependency in the High Middle Ages
Whole Day
Comparative Approaches to Power and Dependency in the High Middle Ages: A Workshop in Honour of Alheydis Plassmann and Björn Weiler. -Proposals for ...
Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies: Perspectives from Asia
University of Bonn
Whole Day
Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies: Perspectives from Asia, Past & Present This event addresses the underrepresentation of Asia in labor and slavery studies ...

Contact Us 

Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies (BCDSS)

Subscribe to our email list and get all of the latest news! 
The Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies is on Facebook, Instagram and X (Twitter)! Follow us and stay updated.

Managing Director: Jeannine Bischoff

Press and PR Manager: Cécile Jeblawei


University of Bonn
Niebuhrstraße 5
53113 Bonn  

BCDSS Fellowship Programs


University of Bonn
Heussallee 18–24
53113 Bonn

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