Anas Ansar
PhD Researcher
Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies
Room 3.018
Niebuhrstraße 5
D-53113 Bonn
+49 228 73 62570
- Research Area D - Labor and Spatiality
- Research Group Beyond Slavery: Dependency in Asian History
- Research Area E - Gender (and Intersectionality)
Academic Profile
The Ambivalent Everyday Lives and the Geography of Precarity: Rohingya Refugees in South-Eastern Asia.
My PhD research seeks to expand the discourse of Everyday Life precarity among Refugees in the context of forced migration and displacement in South-Eastern Asia. Using a transnational lens, I investigate onward migration, social exclusion and the precarious everyday life trajectories of the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh and Malaysia.
Ph.D. in Development Studies, University of Bonn, Germany
European M.A. in Migration and Intercultural Relations, University of Oldenburg, Germany and University of Stavanger, Norway
M.A. in International Relations, Faculty of Social Science, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Diploma in Democracy and New Media, Center for Politics, University of Virginia, USA
B.A. in International Relations, Faculty of Social Science, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
since 2019
Research Associate in Research Group Beyond Slavery: Dependency in Asian History, University of Bonn, Germany
Junior Research Fellow, Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Research and Communications Officer, Migrating out of Poverty Research Consortium, University of Sussex, UK
Research Assistant, Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Regional Focal Point on Migration (South and Central Asia), UN Major Group for Children and Youth (UNMGCY)
- Research Project Coordinator, "Impact of Migration on Families Left Behind" commissioned by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
- Research Associate and field coordinator, "Climate Induced Migration in Bangladesh" in collaboration with Climate and Development Knowledge Network, University of Sussex, UK
- Research Associate "Cross Border Movement of Rohingya Refugees: Vulnerability and Coping Mechanism in Bangladesh" in Collaboration with the University of Sussex, UK
- Research Associate, "Impact of Migration on Poverty and Local Development in South Asia"
- Research Associate, "Mainstreaming Migration in the Development Strategies of Bangladesh"
- Mobility, translocality and gendered violence: Everyday lives of Rohingya refugee women in the Bangladesh–Myanmar borderlands, funded by UK International Development in the Cross-Border Conflict Evidence, Policy and Trends (XCEPT) research programme, co-investigator; 02–10/2024
- 2024. With Julian Maitra. "Digital Diaspora Activism at the Margins: Unfolding Rohingya Diaspora Interactions on Facebook (2017–2022)". In Social Media + Society. Open Access
- 2024. With Uew Hunger. "Remote Data Collection in Low-Resource Settings: Doing Research with the Rohingya Community in Bangladesh Refugee Camps." In Sage Research Methods: Doing Research Online. Open access
- 2023. "Review of Waves of Upheaval in Myanmar: Gendered Transformations and Political Transitions, by Jenny Hedström and Elisabeth Olivius." In International Quarterly of Asian Studies (IQAS) 54(3): 331–333. Open access
- 2023. With A. F. M. Khaled. "Bangladesh’s ready-made garments sector rebound: Revisiting gendered labor precarity and dependency." In Asian Journal of Comparative Politics 0(0). Open access
- 2023. With A. F. M. Khaled. "In search of a Rohingya digital diaspora: virtual togetherness, collective identities and political mobilisation." In Humanit Soc Sci Commun 10(61). Open access
- 2022. "Claiming Space and Contesting Gendered Refugeehood in Exile: Issues and Factors of Rohingya Refugee Women’s Civic Engagement in Diaspora." In International Quarterly for Asian Studies. Open access
- 2022. "Bangladeshi women migrants amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: Revisiting globalization, dependency and gendered precarity in South–South labour migration." In Global Network, a Journal of Transnational Affairs. Open access
- 2022. With S. R. Rashid and A. F. M. Khaled. "'The pandemic has added to my miseries': Bangladeshi migrant workers’ social protection revisited." In Asian Journal of Comparative Politics (SAGE) 0(0). Open access
- 2021. With A. F. M. Khaled. "From solidarity to resistance: host communities' evolving response to the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh." In Journal of International Humanitarian Action 6(16). Open access
- 2020. "The Unfolding of Belonging, Exclusion and Exile: A Reflection on the History of Rohingya Refugee Crisis in Southeast Asia." In Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. Open access
- 2019. With Tasneem Siddiqui. Social Cost of Migration: the Left-behind Children,
Husbands and Wives in Bangladesh. Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit. - 2017. "Challenges in Access to Health Care Among Involuntary Migrants in Germany: A Case Study of Migrants' Experiences in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony." In Journal of International Migration (IOM) 55(2): 97–108. Open access
- 2016. "The Global Economic Crisis and the Future of Migration: Issues and Prospects, What Will Migration Look Like in 2045? by Bimal Ghosh." In Two Homelands Journal 44: 181–182. Open access
- 2014. "The Muslims Are Coming! Islamophobia, Extremism and the Domestic War on Terror by Arun Kundnani." In Nordic Migration Journal: 59–60.