Lena Muders
PhD Researcher
Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies
Room 3.020
Niebuhrstraße 5
D-53113 Bonn
+49 228 73 62574
Member of
- Research Area B - Embodied Dependencies
- Research Group Marking Power: Embodied Dependencies, Haptic Regimes and Body Modification

Academic Profile
Andean human remains in museums – On sensitive bodies and embodied dependencies
The ethnographic project aims to explore the materiality, perception, signification and meanings of Andean human remains in museum contexts, and their relationship with living actors in museums as postcolonial contact zones. How are dependency relations embodied and what role can human remains play in the decolonization of museums today? Colonial and postcolonial entanglements have had great impact on knowledge production, exhibition, interpretation and handling of cultural objects in museums in former colonizing states and in colonized states. Human bodies have been objectified to serve scientific interests and are being rehumanized today in attempts of reconciliation and decolonization of museum practice. The postcolonial museum becomes a space for conflict, dialogue, negotiation and the development of new transdisciplinary and transcultural practices. The multi-sited ethnographic study is based on qualitative interview and sensory ethnographic data, as well as written sources, such as published handling guidelines, press articles and archival material. The theoretical approach includes theories from material culture studies and postcolonial studies, and theories of the body and embodiment.
since 2020
Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology, Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies, University of Bonn, Germany
M.A. in Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Marburg, Germany
B.A. in Anthropology and Archaeology of the Americas, University of Bonn, Germany
Anthropology and Archaeology, University of San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia
since 2020
Research Associate in Research Group Marking Power: Embodied Dependencies, Haptic Regimes and Body Modification
Tutoring at the Institute for European Ethnology, University of Marburg, Germany
Student assistant, Ethnographic Collection, University of Marburg, Germany
Student assistant, BASA Museum (Bonn Collection of the Americas), University of Bonn, Germany
since 2022
Member of UAG Expert*innen Netzwerk zum Umgang mit menschlichen Überresten (AG Koloniale Provenienzen, Arbeitskreis Provenienzforschung e.V.)
Organization of the international conference "Transforming Spirit Bodies: Changing Materialities and Embodied Dependencies," September 29–30, 2022, BCDSS, University of Bonn, Germany
Organization of a panel at the international conference "Visions of Future in the Americas," June 12–14, 2019, University of Bonn, Germany
Curatorial Committee, Exhibition "Kollision Azteken Spanier 1519," Marburg and Frankfurt, Germany
Curatorial Committee, Exhibition "Azteken Einst und Heute," Bonner Altamerika-Sammlung, Germany
- 2024. "Ñatitas – Perzeption, Praxis und Materialität eines Schädelkultes in Bolivien". In Objekte der Krise – Krise der Objekte. Materialitäten des Außergewöhnlichen in unterschiedlichen gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Kontexten (working title), edited by E. Demke, H. Fangerau, A. Felten, N. Löffelbein, L. Morenz, K. Noack, and N. Rattunde. Berlin: EB-Verlag.
- 2022. With Anna-Maria Begerock, Louisa Hartmann, and Mercedes González. "Die vier Nachleben von Mumien und menschlichen Überresten. Beispiele aus dem vorspanischen Südamerika." In Human Remains - Ethische Herausforderungen für Forschung und Ausstellung, edited by Guido Fackler, Thomas M. Klotz, and Stefanie Menke. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
- 2020. "'Ihr, meine Farben, sollt mich schmücken, noch im Tod': Eine Ethnographie des Couleurbandes der Studentenverbindungen." In Am Anfang war das Objekt: Die Ethnographische Sammlung der Philipps-Universität Marburg und die Annäherung an ihre Gegenstände, edited by D. Schweitzer de Palacios, L. Muders, and S. Kaviany. Frankfurt a. M.
- 2019. As editor. With K. Braun, M. Haslach, and N. K. Hüpper. Pflanzen – Menschen – Tiere – Götter. In Kollision 1519 Azteken Spanier: Begleitbuch zur Ausstellung des Lehrforschungsprojekts im B.A Vergleichende Kultur- und Religionswissenschaft der Philipps-Universität Marburg. Marburg.
- 2017. "Ein Vaterunser aus Ton." In Rheinische Wunderkammer: 200 Objekte aus 200 Jahren Universität Bonn 1818–2018, edited by K. Herkenrath and T. Becker. Göttingen.