Lukas Wissel
PhD Researcher
Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies
Room 2.009
Niebuhrstraße 5
D-53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 73 62454
Supervisors: Dr. Jutta Wimmler, Prof. Dr. Claudia Jarzebowski
Member of- Research Area A - Semantics - Lexical Fields - Narratives
- Research Group The Concept of Slavery in African History

Academic Profile
Panyarring, Pawnship, Company Slaves: Asymmetrical Dependencies on the Lower Guinea Coast, c. 1680–1750 (Working Title)
My project analyzes the development and interactions of various forms of dependencies on West Africa’s Lower Guinea Coast (specifically the stretch from Axim in the West to Lagos in the East), approximately from 1680 to 1750. I focus first and foremost on local (understood as a purely geographical term) forms of dependency, such as pawnship and slavery, as well as the practice called panyarring, rather than the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Mainly using the detailed "Dagregisters" of the Dutch West India Company (WIC), as well as the records of other trading companies, I aim to provide a detailed study of these practices and concepts in their local context, thus contributing to both the historiography of slavery and dependencies, as well as to the historiography of West Africa.
since 2021
Ph.D. in History, University of Bonn, Germany
M.A. in History, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
B.A. in History, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
since 2021
PhD Researcher in Research Group "The Concept of Slavery in African History," University of Bonn, Germany
Student Assistant, Frobenius Institute for Research in Cultural Anthropology at Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Student Assistant, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW), Germany (at Goethe University Frankfurt), Germany
Student Assistant, Historical Seminar, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Student Assistant, Institute of Archaeological Sciences, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
- Forthcoming (March 2025). "Encountering Opportunities: Inheritances, Knowledge Gaps, and Invented Global Connections in the German 'hinterland.'" In Encountering the Global in Early Modern Germany. Microhistories of Mobility, Materiality, and Belonging, edited by Christina Brauner, Renate Dürr, Philip Hahn, Anne Sophie Overkamp, and Simon Siemianowski. Studies in German History 30. New York: Berghahn.
Prize of the Kopper-Foundation for outstanding theses (Preis des Stiftungsfonds Kopper für herausragende Abschlussarbeiten) of the Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany