Prof. Dr. Julia A. B. Hegewald
Principal Investigator
Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies (IOA)
Department of Asian and Islamic Art History (AIK)
Adenauerallee 10
D-53111 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 73 7213

Academic Profile
Julia Hegewald focuses on artistic and architectural expressions of different forms of dependency in Asian, particularly South Asian, art and architecture. She employs the theory of ‘re-use’ to show how different people have reacted in a variety of situations of extreme dependency, frequently in very creative ways, to integrate the old and the new, to bridge divides and eventually to contribute to cultural processes which are able to heal and mediate between at times wide and violent disparities of cultural expression.
3 books, 6 edited volumes, 77 academic articles, 5 book reviews and 15 articles in newspapers and magazines, over 100 international and national lectures and presentations, 6 completed, 15 ongoing doctorate supervisions, 44 Master and 32 Bachelor theses as supervisor/first reviewer.
Habilitation, University of Aachen (Germany), Venia legendi for South Asian Art History
Ph.D. in History of Indian Architecture, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, UK
M.A. at the University of Oxford, UK
B.A. in Art and Archaeology with Nepali, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, UK; Sanskrit, University of Cambridge; Hindi, North India Institute of Language Study, Mussoorie, India
since 2010
Professor of Oriental Art History, University of Bonn, Germany
Lecturer and Reader at the University of Manchster, UK
Head of an Emmy Noether-Research Project (DFG) and Research Assistant, South Asia Insitute (SAI), Heidelberg University, Germany
Junior Research Fellow and Special Supernumerary Research Fellow, University of Oxford, UK
Three-year-extension to Emmy Noether-Research Scholarship (DFG)
Prix en études indiennes der Fondation Colette Caillat, Institut de France, Paris
Distinguished Achievement Medal – Researcher of the Year der University of Manchester, UK
since 2022
PORTofCALL: African-Asian-European Encounters - Cultural Heritage and Ports of Call in the Indian Ocean during the Early Modern Period. Research Project funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). Together with colleagues from the Universities of Porto and Coimbra.
since 2002
Founding member of the Cam-Kar Research Institute in Mysore, India
Founding member and board member of the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology (EAAA)
Collaboration as international member of the cluster of excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context: Shifting Asymmetries in Cultural Flows," University of Heidelberg, Germany
Head of the Emmy Noether Junior Research Group "Jainism in Karnataka: History, Architecture and Religion" (DFG)
Member of the special research area "Dynamics of Ritual” (SFB 619) University of Heidelberg, Germany
since 2020
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Global Archaeology (JoGa), Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI)
since 2017
Member of the editorial board of Veranda, the journal of the Sushant Scholl of Art & Architecture, Ansal University, Gurgaon, India
since 2014
Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS), Rome and New Delhi
since 2014
Editor of the series "Studies in Asian Art and Culture" (SAAC), EB-Verlag Berlin
since 2010
Member of the editor's office of the "Vienna Journal of South Asian Studies" (WZKS)
since 2010
Member of the editorial committee of "Contemporary South Asia"
Member of the editorial board of the "International Journal of Jaina Studies" (IJJS)
- German Research Foundation (DFG): Emmy Noether Fellowship 2002–2004, Emmy Noether Research Group 2005–2014
- Individual project fundings (Wingate Foundation 2001–2003, Society for South Asian Studies 1999)
- Publication grants (Ernst Waldschmidt Foundation 2007, British Academy 2000)
- 2023. As editor. Embodied Dependencies and Freedoms: Artistic Communities and Patronage in Asia. Dependency and Slavery Studies. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter.
- 2022 "Dependency, Subjugation and Survival: A Working Paper on the Jaina Culture in Medieval Karnataka, South India." BCDSS Working Papers 9: 1–35. Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies.
- 2021. Jaina Tradition of the Deccan: Shravanabelagola, Mudabidri, Karkala. Deccan Heritage Foundation India. Deccan Heritage Foundation / Jaico Guidebook Series. Mumbai: Jaico Publishing House.
- 2021 "Extreme Dependency as a Creative Catalyst in Early Indo-Islamic Architecture of the Slave Dynasty." In 'Das alles hier.' Festschrift für Konrad Klaus zum 65. Geburtstag, edited by Ulrike Niklas, Heinz Werner Wessler, Peter Wyzlic, and Stefan Zimmer, 151–174. Heidelberg: Xasia eBooks.
- 2020. In the Footsteps of the Masters: Footprints, Feet and Shoes as Objects of Veneration in Asian, Islamic and Mediterranean Art. Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC) 7. Berlin: Eb-Verlag.
- 2020 "Pādukās: Revered Foot Imprints in the Jaina art of India." In Bridging Heaven and Earth: Art and Architecture in South Asia, 5th–21st century CE (Research Presented at the Twenty-third Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art, Cardiff 2016, vol. 2), edited by Laxshmi Rose Greaves and Adam Hardy, 163–174. New Delhi: Dev Publications.
- 2020 "Architecture of Independence: Continuity and Innovation in Indian Government Buildings and Urban Planning." In Voices of Freedom: Society, Culture and Ideas in the 70th Year of Indias Independence. Conferenze ISMEO 3, edited by Tiziana Lorenzetti, 83–113. Rome: ISMEO.
- 2018. Jaina Temple Architecture in India: The Development of a Distinct Language in Space and Ritual. Mumbai: Hindi Granth Karyalay.
- 2015. As editor. Jaina Painting and Manuscript Culture: In Memory of Paolo Pianarosa. Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC) 3. Berlin: EB-Verlag.
- 2014. As editor. In the Shadow of the Golden Age: Art and Identity in Asia from Gandhara to the Modern Age. Studies in Asian Art and Culture (SAAC) 1. Berlin: EB-Verlag.
- 2012. As editor. With Subrata K. Mitra. Re-use. The Art and Politics of Integration and Anxiety. New Delhi: SAGE India.
- 2012. "Building Citizenship. The Agency of Public Buildings and Urban Planning in the Making of the Indian Citizen." In Citizenship as Cultural Flow. Structure, Agency and Power, edited by Subrata K. Mitra, 229–263. Berlin: Springer.
- 2011. As editor. The Jaina Heritage. Distinction, Decline and Resilience. New Delhi: Saṁskṛiti.
- 2009. "Visual and Conceptual Links between Jaina Cosmological, Mythological and Ritual Instruments." In International Journal of Jaina Studies 6(1): 1–20.
- 2009. Jaina Temple Architecture in India. The Development of a Distinct Language in Space and Ritual. Monographien zur indischen Archäologie, Kunst und Philologie 19. Berlin: G+H Verlag.
- 2009. "Sacred Place and Structured Space. Temple Architecture and Pilgrimage in Jainism." In Victorious Ones. Jain Images of Perfection, edited by Phyllis Granoff, 90–110. New York: Rubin Museum of Art.
- 2009. "Jala Mandirs, Tīrtha Paṭas and Cosmic Islands. Creating, Replicating and Representing Landscape in Jaina Art and Architecture." In Prajñādhara. Essays on Asian Art History, Epigraphy and Culture in Honour of Gouriswar Bhattacharya, edited by Gerd J. R. Mevissen and Arudhati Banerji, 422–437 and plates 43.1–43.20. New Delhi: Kaveri Books.
- 2007. "Domes, Tombs and Minarets. Islamic Influences on Jaina Architecture." In The Temple in South Asia. Volume 2 of the Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, London 2005, edited by Adam Hardy, 179–190. London: British Association for South Asian Studies.
- 2006. "Architectural, Sculptural and Religious Change. A New Interpretation of the Jaina Temples at Khajuraho." In Studies in Jaina History and Culture. Disputes and Dialogues, edited by Peter Flügel, 401–418. New York: Routledge.
- 2002. Water Architecture in South Asia. A Study of Types, Developments and Meanings. Studies in Asian Art and Architecture 24. Leiden: Brill.