Prof. Dr. Martin Bentz
Principal Investigator
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology
Department for Classical Archaeology
Am Hofgarten 21
D-53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 73 7735

Academic Profile
Martin Bentz studies different forms of dependency in the Greek and pre-Roman world of the first millenium BC, beginning with the material evidence – archaeological data and ancient images – and contextualizing them with literary sources. Particular attention is given to the different actors in economic processes: slaves, metics (foreigners with limited rights) and free citizens, collaborating in different and changing types of relationships and working as slaves, day laborers, tenants or independent entrepreneurs.
6 monographs, 13 edited volumes, 76 articles and 14 reviews, numerous national and international lectures and presentations, 18 completed and 6 ongoing doctorates, 46 Magister and Master and 14 Bachelor theses as supervisor/first reviewer.
Habilitation and Venia legendi in Classical Archaeology
Ph.D. in Classical Archaeology, University of Göttingen, Germany
M.A. in Classical Archaeology, Prehistory and Ancient History, University of Cologne (Germany),
Università degli Studi Florence (Italy), and University of Göttingen (Germany)
since 2004
Professor for Classical Archaeology, University of Bonn, Germany
Chaire internationale en archéologie grecque Eleni Hatzivassiliou at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium
Managing Editor of the Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Research Associate, Chair of Classical Archaeology, University of Regensburg, Germany
Research Associate, Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum)
Professor, University of Würzburg, Germany
since 2016
Member of the DFG Expert Commission 101 (Ancient Cultures)
since 2013
Spokesperson for the DFG Research Training Group 1878 "Archeology of Pre-Modern Economies"
since 2006
Member of the "Center for the Classical Tradition" (CCT)
- Head of archaeological excavations in Marzabotto (2002–2007) and in Selinunte (2010–2016)
- President of the German Archaeologists’ Association (DArV) (2008–2012)
- Curator and member of the scientific advisory board of numerous exhibitions and projects
- Organizer of many international conferences
- Member of various advisory boards of international journals
- Co-editor of "Kölner und Bonner Archaeologika" (KuBA), "Studien zur Wirtschaftsarchäologie," "Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsarchäologie," "Gnomon"
- Expert for national and international research organizations, institutions and foundations
- DFG (Graduate Program and three individual projects, since 2010)
- Fritz Thyssen Foundation (four individual projects, since 2004)
- DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) (collaborative project 2015–2016)
- EU (collaborative project 2012–2014)
- Mercator Foundation (collaborative project 2010–2015)
- Volkswagenstiftung (collaborative project 2021–2026)
- 2019. With M. Heinzelmann. Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology. Cologne/Bonn.
- 2018. With T. Helms. Craft production systems in a cross cultural perspective. Studien zur Wirtschaftsarchäologie 1. Bonn.
- 2017. With A. Coen, F. Gilotta and M. Micozzi. Grabkontexte der Monte Abatone–Nekropole in Cerveteri. Der Caere Worshop der Universitäten Bonn und Campania 'L. Vanvitelli.' Rom.
- 2010. As editor. With Christoph Reusser. Etruskisch-italische und römisch-republikanische Häuser. Studien zur antiken Stadt 9. Wiesbaden: Reichert.
- 2008. As editor. Rasna. Die Etrusker. Eine Ausstellung im Akademischen Kunstmuseum Antikensammlung der Universität Bonn, 15. Oktober 2008–15. Februar 2009. Petersberg: Michael Imhof Verlag.
- 2008. With Christoph Reusser. Marzabotto. Planstadt der Etrusker. Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern.
- 2005. "Spiel um Leben und Tod? Gewalt und Athletik in klassischer Zeit." In Die andere Seite der Klassik. Gewalt im 5. und 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr., edited by Günter Fischer and Susanne Moraw, 129–141. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
- 2002. As editor. Vasenforschung und Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Standortbestimmung und Perspektiven. Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum Deutschland 1. Munich: C.H. Beck.
- 2001. With Christiane von Dehl-Kaenel. Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum 73: Göttingen 2, Korinthische und Etruskische Keramik. Munich: C.H. Beck.
- 2001. With Christian Mann. "Zur Heroisierung von Athleten." In Konstruktionen von Wirklichkeit. Bilder im Griechenland des 5. und 4. Jahrhunderts v. Chr., edited by Ralf von den Hoff and Stefan Schmidt, 225–240. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
- 1998. Panathenäische Preisamphoren. Eine athenische Vasengattung und ihre Funktion vom 6.–4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Antike Kunst 18. Basel: Vereinigung der Freunde Antiker Kunst.
- 1992. Etruskische Votivbronzen des Hellenismus. Biblioteca di Studi Etruschi 25. Florence: L.S. Olschki.
- 1987. With Frank Rumscheid. Griechische Vasen aus Unteritalien aus der Sammlung des Archäologischen Instituts der Georg-August-Universitaet Göttingen. Katalog zur Ausstellung in der Hauptstelle der Städtischen Sparkasse zu Göttingen vom 23.11.1987 bis zum 8.1.1988. Göttingen: Archäogisches Institut, Universität Göttingen.