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Friday Seminar with Karolyne Moreira and Mauro Manhanguele

Karolyne M. Moreira, “Incarnated spirits: ’sorcery’, mutual dependencies and normative production in southern Mozambique (1890–1940)”:
In this talk, Karolyne focuses on presenting the normativity of sorcery as a language of power. She seeks to demonstrate how Portuguese colonial policies around ‘sorcery’ and local social discourses around belief in spells both resulted in the establishment of mutual, yet deeply asymmetrical, dependencies.

Mauro Manhanguele, “Language, power and mutual dependencies: Interpreters and justice administration in Colonial Mozambique, 1895-1974”:
This study seeks to understand the role played by African interpreters in the colonial administration and justice system. By focusing on the case of Mozambique, it assumes that these agents not only participated in the creation of colonial law but also produced it.
Friday, 30.06.23 - 04:00 PM - 05:30 PM
"Mutual Dependencies and Normative Production in Africa" and “Language, power and mutual dependencies: Interpreters and justice administration in Colonial Mozambique, 1895-1974”
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All interested

Heussallee 18-24 (conference room) or online (Zoom)
not required
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