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Workshop: The Atlantic and Asian Dutch Empire & its Archives

Workshop: Exploring the Atlantic and Asian Dutch Empire and its Archives: actor-centered and gender approaches (17th-19th Century)

In the past years, the lives of colonized people have been studied increasingly. Individual stories of enslaved, freed and other marginalized men and women were documented in colonial archives, often because they stepped out of line at a certain moment. How to find a more balanced approach when trying to unearth the lives of colonized people, while being at the mercy of colonial archives? How to best account for the manifold differences between men and women living in colonial establishments, based among others on gender, race, class, religion, age and social position? In this workshop Ph.D. and postdoctoral researchers will explore the Atlantic and Asian Dutch Empire and its archives (17th-19th century) from different levels and from various perspectives.

Please register by June 14, via Jan Hörber (events@dependency.uni-bonn.de)
Thursday, 20.06.24 - 01:30 PM – Friday, 21.06.24 - 02:30 PM
Exploring the Atlantic and Asian Dutch Empire and its Archives: actor-centered and gender approaches (17th-19th Century)
Target groups



All interested

Conference room, Niebuhrstr. 5, 53113 Bonn
Organized by Eva Marie Lehner (BCDSS) and Hanna te Velde (IISH)
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