27. June 2023

New Article: "The Pre-Colonial Socio-Legal System of Ogbaland, Nigeria" New Article: "The Pre-Colonial Socio-Legal System of Ogbaland, Nigeria"

Check out BCDSS Researcher Prof. Dr. Chioma Daisy Onyiege's new article!



We want to congratulate BCDSS Researcher Prof. Dr. Chioma Daisy Onyige on her article "The Pre-Colonial Socio-Legal System of Ogbaland, Nigeria" in Communities and the(ir) Law, edited by Werner Gephart and Daniel Witte.

In her article, she explores the pre-colonial normative order of the Nigerian Ogba people and discusses the importance of customary law and the principle of collective responsibility. 


The full article is available here: https://www.nomos-elibrary.de/10.5771/9783465146094-167/the-pre-colonial-socio-legal-system-of-ogbaland-nigeria?page=1.

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