27. November 2024

Slavery and Abolition in Global Perspective Dies Academicus: Slavery and Abolition in Global Perspective

Dies Academicus - 4 December 2024

Marking the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery (2 December), Henriette Rødland, Sean Kelley and Bahar Bayraktaroğlu will present their research perspectives on abolition at the University of Bonn's Dies Academicus on 4 December 2024 from 14:15 - 15:45.

Dies Academicus December 2024
Dies Academicus December 2024 © BCDSS
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The three researchers will share interesting insights into their projects and discuss slavery and abolition from a global perspective. The presentations will be moderated by David B. Smith

Henriette Rødland: “The rise and fall of slavery on the Swahili coast of East Africa”


Through the lens of Swahili cities, this talk will explore the deep histories of slavery in East Africa and the Indian Ocean, and its impact on peoples, societies, cultural development, and trade for over a millennium.

Sean Kelley: "The Ambiguities of US Slave Trade Abolition"


In the United States, slave trade abolition was a complex process that took more than 80 years. This talk traces the twisting legal and political path to ending both the importation of captives into the United States and the participation of American merchants and mariners in the transportation of captive Africans to other plantation regions.

Bahar Bayraktaroglu: “The Demise of Slavery in the Ottoman Empire”


Unlike many other countries that passed sweeping abolition laws, the Ottoman Empire never formally abolished slavery with a single decree. My presentation will be guiding you through the fascinating and complex process by which slavery faded away in the Ottoman Empire.

Wednesday, 4 December 14.15 - 15:45

University Main Building
Lecture Hall (‘Hörsaal’) XIII

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