Patrick Zeidler

Coordinator and Editor of the BCDSS Exhibition Publication

Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies
Adenauerallee 18–22
D-53113 Bonn


Member of
© Barbara Frommann


Exhibition Publication
  • Project management and coordination
  • Development of the concept and the structure of the publication, selection of the authors and the topics of the individual contributions (together with the co-editors)
  • Copyediting of the manuscripts
  • Image editing (selection, digital editing, acquisition of image rights)
  • Coordination and arrangements with the BCDSS management and the central University administration (finances, commissioning, translations) as well as the publishing house (layout, cover, galley proofs)


  • Supporting the exhibition curator (Beatrix Hoffmann-Ihde) in various tasks (preparation of the exhibition, writing and editing of exhibition texts, setting up the exhibition, etc.)

Slavery and Social Inequality in Etruria: A Study on the Iconography of Dependency in Etruscan Visual Art

In my PhD project, which was supervised by Martin Bentz and Petra Amann, I investigated slavery and other forms of dependency and social inequality in Etruria in the period from the late 8th to the 1st century BCE. My focus was on the iconographical analysis of pictorial depictions of dependent and marginalized social groups (e. g. prisoners, wet nurses, pedagogues, cup bearers, dancers, musicians, acrobats, craftsmen, 'strangers' and 'others') in different kinds of media (wall and vase paintings, urns, sarcophagi, figurines, mirrors, gems, etc.). In addition, Etruscan inscriptions and literary accounts of Greek and Roman authors were considered for drawing socio-historical conclusions. The PhD thesis is currently in preparation for publication.


Dependency and Social Inequality in Pre-Roman Italy

Together with Martin Bentz, I organized an international conference in Bonn from June 16 to 18, 2022 dealing with different phenomena of dependency and social inequality in various societies of Pre-Roman Italy. The topic has been approached from different methodological perspectives including historical and epigraphical sources, iconographical studies, material culture studies on findings from graves, sanctuaries and urban spaces as well as the application of bio-archaeological and anthropological methods. The conference proceedings will be published in the course of 2024 in the book series 'Dependency and Slavery Studies' at De Gruyter.

since 2019
Ph.D. in Classical Archaeology, University of Bonn, Germany

M.A. in Classical Archaeology, University of Bonn, Germany

Study Abroad (Erasmus-Scholarship), University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy

Study Abroad (Erasmus-Scholarship), University of Vienna, Austria

B.A. in Archaeology, University of Munich, Germany

since 2023
Coordinator and Editor of the BCDSS Exhibition Publication

Research Associate in Research Area B Embodied Dependencies, BCDSS, University of Bonn, Germany

Editor of the journal Kölner und Bonner Archaeologica (KuBA), Universities of Bonn and Cologne, Germany

Student/Graduate Assistant, Department of Classical Archaeology, University of Bonn, Germany

since 2017
Member of the working group "AG Etrusker und Italiker" (DArV)

since 2016
Member of the German Archaeologists' Association (DArV)

  • 2022. "Starke asymmetrische Abhängigkeitsverhältnisse und soziale Ungleichheiten in
    Etrurien: Ein ikonographischer Ansatz." In Gesellschaft und Familie bei Etruskern und Itali-
    kern. Akten des 18.Treffens derArbeitsgemeinschaft Etrusker & Italiker, edited by P. Amann,
    R. Da Vela, and R. P. Krämer, 149–167. Wien, Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde, Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 6–7 March 2020. WBAGon 4. Wien. Open access
  • 2021. With M. Bentz. "The Beautiful, the Ugly and the Stranger: Representations of Slaves in
    Ancient Mediterranean Visual Art." In Dependent. The Magazine of the Bonn Center for De-
    pendency and Slavery Studies 4: 8–12. Open access
  • 2021. Daunier, Peuketier, Messapier. Einheimische Keramik aus Apulien im Akademischen Kunstmuseum Bonn. Bonn.
  • 2018. "Die Tötung der Niobiden: Die mythologische Überlieferung. Kat. 4. 26–29. 31. Iphigenie in Aulis. Kat. 11." In Göttliche Ungerechtigkeit? Strafen und Glaubensprüfungen als Themen antiker und frühchristlicher Kunst, edited by F. Rumscheid, S. Schrenk, and K. Kressirer, 14–22, 26f, 58–66, 185–18. Exhibition Catalogue. Bonn, Petersberg. 
  • 2017. "Handwerk und Produktion in Marzabotto." In Die Etrusker. Weltkultur im antiken Italien, edited by Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe, 170–171. Exhibition Catalogue Karlsruhe, Darmstadt. 
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