Revista Latinoamericana de Trabajo y Trabajadores: REVLATT
(Co-funded by the BCDSS)
An initiative of the "Red Latinoamericana de Trabajo y Trabajadores" (REDLATT), the "Revista Latinoamericana de Trabajo y Trabajadores" is a journal devoted to the history of labor. It aims to bring together research with diverse views and perspectives about and from Latin America. Among the phenomena covered in the journal are a variety of socio-economic systems, the diverse non-evolutionary continuum of coactive labor and labor regimes, and labor precariousness as a phenomenon with a long history.
REVLATT publishes articles in English, Spanish and Portuguese, and its contents are available in open access.
Its Editorial Team includes scholars from different Latin American and European countries and institutions. If you would like to submit a proposal please check the instructions for authors and/or contact the editors.