21. March 2024

Talking History: Ethnographic Interviews, Intersectional Identities, and Power Negotiations in Research Encounters Talking History: Ethnographic Interviews, Intersectional Identities, and Power Negotiations in Research Encounters

Sinah Kloß's latest contribution to "Un-Mapping the Global South" is out.

Talking History: Ethnographic Interviews, Intersectional Identities, and Power Negotiations in Research Encounters
Talking History: Ethnographic Interviews, Intersectional Identities, and Power Negotiations in Research Encounters © BCDSS
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We are delighted to announce Sinah Kloß's chapter "Talking History: Ethnographic Interviews, Intersectional Identities, and Power Negotiations in Research Encounters" in Un-Mapping the Global South has been published.

Book description:

"This book offers new approaches and insights into the ongoing and topical discussions on the concepts and definitions of the global south. Instead of adding to the debates about how to properly define the "global south" as such, it aims at emphasising concrete experiences and accounts of (post-)colonial dislocation and disidentification as both a starting point and linchpin for the subsequent exploration. It brings into conversation theories and interrogations of the "global south" with specific local studies, without presenting them as the romanticised "other" or as "non-western" narratives.

As a bold initiation of future conversations on issues that both directly and indirectly affect ideas about the global south, the volume will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of critical theory, literary and cultural studies, and global south studies."

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